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渥太華,安省和聖地亞哥2022年5月9日/時間/ -Kinaxis®Inc. (TSX: KXS),在快速駕駛敏捷性方麵的權威自信的決策在一個不可預測的世界裏,今天宣布在供應鏈計劃的高級分析方麵取得了突破,推出了新的計劃。人工智能分析方法Kinexions的22(#ReadyTogether),它的年度供應鏈創新者會議。

Kinaxis RapidResponse®平台Planning的一部分。人工智能is the only concurrent planning solution to automatically detect and fuse the best combination of heuristics, optimization and machine learning, providing a highly accurate answer in the fastest time possible. Now companies no longer have to manage the trade-offs that come when choosing between different planning algorithms, like speed or accuracy. Planning.AI delivers the ability to use multiple analytical approaches when solving a single problem, driving even more business value by broadening the types of supply chain problems that can be solved and removing the need for hard-to-find data scientists and deep analytical experts.

當應用到當今複雜的供應規劃挑戰,規劃。人工智能first applies heuristics to a problem, then runs those results through an optimizer or solver. That significantly narrows the scope of what the optimizer must solve for, dramatically reducing the time it takes to get an answer while still preserving the required accuracy. For demand planning, Planning.AI leverages machine learning to gain insights from vast amounts of internal and external data then uses additional analytical approaches as appropriate to improve sensing and forecasting across short and long-term horizons. When combined with Kinaxis' unique concurrent planning technique, which eliminates siloes, continuously balances demand and supply in real-time, and enables what-if scenario management, Planning.AI allows companies to respond faster and more accurately to market disruptions.

Kinaxis首席執行官約翰•西卡德(John Sicard)表示:“供應鏈規劃者和領導者經常處於必須在準確決策和快速決策之間做出選擇的棘手境地。””計劃。人工智能eliminates that struggle by empowering people to make fast and accurate decisions through the use of multiple advanced analytical approaches. This latest breakthrough builds on our revolutionary concurrent planning technique, driving a true step change in supply chain agility and resiliency."

加上計劃。人工智能,Kinaxiscustomers will have access to a new category of advanced applications called Amplifiers, which mature planning processes and drive next-level business results across the end-to-end supply chain. The first two Amplifiers using Planning.AI are now available.

  • 需求。人工智能
  • 供應。人工智能

“我們期待計劃。人工智能to help us better support our customers by quickly and accurately determining the best combination of products that could be built using projected on hand inventory," said Mary Simpkins, SCM Processes & Applications Consultant at Celestica. "This will help reduce customers' excess and obsolete materials and significantly improve our planning flexibility in RapidResponse."

2021年,Kinaxis正式發布了命令與控製中心,以集中需求和供應智能信號,使公司能夠識別和采取基於風險的警報,並擴展其數字供應鏈的智能控製。需求。人工智能and Supply.AI will work with those intelligence signals to further augment and automate planner's decision-making. Kinaxis has also made significant enhancements to the Command & Control Center's digital process automation capabilities. Companies can now quickly and easily setup workflow automations using an intuitive drag and drop interface—all without needing to adjust a single line of code.

Kinaxis將展示包括Planning在內的所有最新創新。AI和相關的供應。人工智能和需求。人工智能Amplifiers, as well as its newly enhanced digital process automation capabilities at its annual supply chain innovators conference Kinexions, taking place virtually and in-person in San Diego from May 10-11.

有關規劃的更多信息。AI和Kinaxis的新供應。人工智能和需求。人工智能Amplifiers, visitwww.70soh.com/analytics

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